Written by: Apurva Pawar
September 10, 2024

There are numerous diverse dog breeds, each with its own particular traits. Then, How To Find The Best Dog Breed For You?

Considering children, older adults, location, and other parameters in your house, it is crucial to consider which dog breed fits your lifestyle the best. 

Hence, I have created a small informative guide to help you understand which dog breed suit your conditions in the best way possible.

So, are you eager to find which breed of dog is ideal for you? 

Let’s find out!

Quick Tips To Find the Best Dog Breed

Choosing the right dog breed for you is no rocket science. Plus. it is possible to be influenced by a dog’s qualities like their cute gestures and faces. 

However, there are a few characteristics that you should quickly preview before getting into the guide, including the following:

  • Age
  • Grooming needs
  • Exercise needs
  • Size (small, medium, large)
  • Training
  • Temperament

Choosing The Right Breed

With the help following categories, you will be able to understand the difference between different types of dog breeds according to distinct situations.

Selecting The Right Breed

Popular platforms like IAMS and the Pedigree website have produced tests you can take for guidance if you prefer to let a system do the work.

1. Dog Breeds Suitable For Families

If you are looking for a dog that suits your family, getting a friendly and playful pup will be helpful to you.

Dog Breeds Suitable For Families

However, if you are planning on adopting a dog as a companion to your other pets, you can refer to the following dog breeds according to their category.

Family Dogs:

  • Labradors
  • Golden Retrievers
  • Collies
  • Wheaten Terriers

Kid-friendly Dogs:

  • Labradors
  • Golden retrievers
  • Collies
  • Wheaten terriers
  • Beagles
  • Pugs
  • French bulldogs
  • Newfoundlands
  • Bernese mountain dogs

Cat-friendly Dogs:

  • Beagles
  • Golden retrievers
  • Labradors
  • Pugs
  • Cavalier King Charles spaniels
  • Bulldogs

2. Calm and Quiet Dog Breeds

If you like calm, quiet, and composed dogs who are not hyperactive or outdoorsy, you can refer to the following dog breeds.

Calm and Quiet Dog Breeds

Calmest Dogs:

  • Basset hounds
  • Saint Bernards
  • Havanese
  • Maltese

3. Dog Breeds Suitable For Apartments

Some dog breeds may be more suitable for apartment living than others.

Apartment owners may be looking at smaller breeds since acquiring a dog who will feel at home in a confined area is crucial.

Dog Breeds Suitable For Apartments

However, when it comes to choosing the proper fit, a dog’s personality matters much more than the breed, so it’s critical to know what traits to look for.

4.  Dog Breeds for New Dog-Parents

The breeds of dogs that won’t be too challenging for new owners are the greatest. But here’s the thing: Only you know your willingness and capacity.

Dog Breeds for New Dog-Parents

Since owning a dog for the first time can be intimidating for some aspiring pet parents, that can mean a small, quiet puppy.

Others might find a large, active dog to be the ideal first puppy.

This implies that any breed of dog could be the greatest choice for a new pet owner since personality compatibility is more crucial than breed compatibility.

5. Considering Adopting A Shelter Dog Or Puppy

We recommend going to your neighborhood animal shelter to find your new furry companion. 

You’ll embrace the affection these puppies can bring into your home if you’re willing to accept the possibility that your future family member will be a mixed breed or mutt. 

Considering Adopting A Shelter Dog Or Puppy

Matching dogs with potential owners is a specialty of shelter staff. 

Staff members and volunteers interact with dogs throughout their stays, so they are skilled at connecting the appropriate dog with the right owner. 

The staff can assist you in selecting the dog that would be the greatest fit if you let them know your preferences for temperament.

Related read;

Wrapping Up! How To Find the Best Dog Breed

This is everything on how to find the best dog breed for you. We’ve shared all the necessary details for aspiring or existing dog parents. 

Hence, now it is in your hands to make the right choice based on the dog’s and your temperament suitability.

Plus, you will have a happy and healthy relationship with your furry friend if you get a suitable puppy for your convenience.

Ultimately, it is the same as raising a kid in a family. Hence, dogs act according to their environment and the personality traits they get from their owner.


Which dog breed is the happiest?

Golden Retrievers are the happiest dog breed, and many families prefer a fun-loving dog.

How can you get the perfect dog for your family?

By taking reference, talking with fellow dog parents, families, and friends with dogs can help you make this decision if you feel stuck at some point in making the decision. Also, you can ask a professional breeder who knows better about dogs to advise you in choosing a breed.

Do dogs see their owners as a family?

 Studies show that dogs are affectionate to people they like or live with and consider them a family, just as you do.

Which dog breed can be easily trained?

Border Collies can be trained easily without much convincing and hassle, as they are an athletic breed who like to train and exercise.

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Apurva Pawar

I'm Apurva Pawar, a dog parent to a 10-year-old Furbaby who I have trained personally. I have always had a close bond with the dogs around me as I used to volunteer in a rescue shelter. I have raised pups of multiple breeds and sizes that were rescued by the shelter and have trained some of those adorable companions. Hence, out of my love and experience about dogs I share whatever information I possess by doing research and surveys.