Written by: Apurva Pawar
September 11, 2024

Dog bites are a serious issue affecting millions of people annually in the United States. 

With almost 90 million pet dogs, more than 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs annually, and about 800,000 of them require medical attention. 

Dog bites can cause physical injuries, infections, psychological trauma, and even death.

In this article, we have covered dog bite statistics based on breeds and states. We have also shared insights on the claims made after dog bites demographics and provided some tips on preventing and treating dog bites.

Lets get right into it

Dog Bite Statistics (Highlights 2024)

  • 4.5 million dog bites occur every year. 
  • Over 800,000 people need medical attention for dog bites every year.
  • Every day, around 1,000 people in the United States require emergency care treatment for serious dog bite injuries.
  • 1 in 53,843 people in the United States die from a dog bite every year.
  • More than 50% of dog bite victims are children. 
  • Among these patients, 370,000 people seek emergency attention.
  • Dogs are 3rd deadliest animal on earth in terms of animal attacks.
  • 45.3% of the dog bite injuries occur on the arms or hands.
  • Pitbulls are responsible for 22.5% of dog bites in the United States every year.
  • Children aged 1 to 4 are more likely (29.4%) to be victims of dog attacks. 
  • The average payout for a dog bite claim is noted to be around $64,555.

Dog Attack and Bite Statistics By State

According to research, Texas and California experience fatal dog attacks substantially more than any other state.

However, other states also have their fair share of fatal injuries caused by Dog Bites.

State average fatalities and attacks by dog

The following table includes state-wise fatalities and attacks from 2010 to 2021:

States in the United StatesFatalities
North Carolina22
South Carolina14

Dog Bite Statistics By Breed

Here are key statistics on dog bites and attacks by breed.

  1. Pitbulls have the highest dog biting rate among all breeds.
  2. Pitbulls are responsible for 22.5% of dog bites in the United States every year.
  3. On average, 284 deaths occur annually in the United States due to the Pitbull dog bite.
  4. Rottweiler stands second with an average of 39 dog bites each year.
Dog Bite Statistics by Breed

Here is a table showing the breeds that are involved in most dog bite death incidents:

BreedDeaths% of Total
Pit Bull28465.6%
German Shepard204.6%
American Bulldog153.5%
Mastiff or Bull Mastiff143.2%
Unknown breed112.5%
Labrador 92.1%
  1. The strongest bite force is seen in the Kangal Dog Breed, with 743 PSI.

Here is an overview of dog breeds with the strongest bite force while attacking.

Dog BreedDog Bite Force
Kangal743 PSI
Doberman Pinschers600 PSI
English Mastiff556 PSI
Wolfdog406 PSI
Rottweiler328 PSI
African Wild Dog317 PSI
American Bull Dog305 PSI
German Shepherd238 PSI
American Pitbull235 PSI
Dutch Shepherd224 PSI
Chow Chow220 PSI
Malinois195 PSI

(Source: cdc.gov, American Veterinary Association, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, PITBULLINFO.ORG)

Dog Attacks And Deaths Due To Dog Bites

Around 4.5 million dog bites occur in the United States each year; a small fraction of these bites result in serious injuries or even death.

Take a look at the data below to learn more about how many dog attacks occur per year:

  1. 1 in every 53,843 deaths in the United States occur due to a dog bite.
  2. With 30 to 50 fatal dog attacks yearly, only 1% of bites result in death.
  3. There are around 885,000 dog bite victims who require critical medical care.
  4.  900+ emergency room visits are recorded due to fatal dog bites annually in the US. 
  5. 45.3% of dog bite injuries occur on the legs, hands, and arms.
  6. More than 5,300 postal workers were attacked by dogs in 2022.
  7. It is seen that stray dogs are more likely to bite than pet dogs. Stray dogs commit 15.55% of dog bites. (National Library of Veterinary Medicine.)
  8. There are around 885,000 dog bite victims who require critical medical care.
  9. Injuries due to dog bites make up more than 80% of the total animal bites in the United States.

(Souce: American Veterinary AssociationDogsBite.org, 

Dog Bite Attacks On Children

In 2020, there were 45 dog bite-related fatalities in the United States, and 29 of those victims were children.

Here is more data on the same:

  1. Among the total dog bites in the US, more than half of the dog bite victims are children.
  2. Over 2 million children in the United States are bitten by dogs yearly.
  3. Compared to the 1994 survey, there was a 47% drop in the incidence of dog bites among children, notably among boys and those aged 0–4 years. 
  4. Most severe dog bites (80%) in children involve the neck and head.
  5. More than 40% of the households with children in the United States have at least one dog. This increases the chances of a child being bitten by a dog.
  6. Half of the child dog bite attacks are due to the animal being provoked. 

(Source: National Canine Research Council, avma,org, WAF

Dog Bite Fatalities By Age & Gender

  1. Males are more likely to get attacked (52.6%) by the dogs than females (47.4%).
  2. Males face 54.3% of most fatal dog attacks.

According to a study on dog bite fatalities from 2010 to 2021. There were 430 fatalities in the U.S.

Out of those 430, the following chart displays the average number of fatalities by different age groups and genders.

Age GroupsNumber of FatalitiesFemaleMale
0 to 4 1376176
5 to 9  42933
10 t0 14725
15 to 19211
20 to 24752
25 to 291037
30 to 341284
35 to 391082
40 to 4416106
45 to 4921129
50 to 54231310
55 to 59221210
60 to 64241410
65 to 6920137
70 to 7418144
Over 75553520

(Source: NCBI,  NSC injury facts, PubMed.gov)

Settlement Costs Of Dog Bites

The average dog bite settlement amount in the United States is $64,555. However, settlement amounts can vary widely depending on the injuries’ severity, the dog owner’s liability, and whether the case goes to trial.

Here are some more stats on the same:

  1. The number of average dog bite claims in 2022 was 17,597.
  2. In 2022, a 31.7% increase was seen in dog bite claiming costs as compared to 2021, when the average payout was $49,025.
  3. The dog-related injury settlement cost over $1 billion in the United States in 2022.
Top 10 states with the highest number of  dog bite claims

Here is a year-over-year rising cost of dog attack claims.

YearNumber of dog attack claims The total value of claims
  1.  California has the most dog attack claims, accounting for 11% of all claims.
  2. Florida comes next with the 1,331 claims.

Here are the top 10 states with the highest number of claims made in 2022:

State Number of claims made
California 1,954
Florida 1,331
Texas 1,017
New York 969
Michigan 905
Pennsylvania 805
Illinois 729
Ohio 658
New Jersey 550
Georgia 475

How To Protect Yourself From Dog Bites?

The dog owner or the experiences the dog has had can often foretell a dog’s behavior. Also, numerous pets have experienced some form of cruelty or neglect, and these are the dog breeds that bite or fight.

That’s why we keep emphasizing how crucial it is always to use caution when you are near to pets you don’t know.

For starters, avoid making eye contact with an aggressive dog, and keep calm. Plus, avoid inciting canines to attack.

Dogs are more likely to attack when they are frightened, ill, or hurt. So, getting in touch with someone who can give them the attention they need rather than approaching or moving them is better.

You might want to read our post on Lost Dog Statsics


Five safest dog breeds you can rely on?

Labrador, Golden Retriever, Irish setter, Beagle, and Border Collies are the safest dog breeds you can rely on to be calm

Which specific dog breed bites the most and is ranked #1?

Pit Bull is said to be the most dangerous dog breed when it comes to biting fatally.

Which region has the highest number of dog fatalities?

California has the highest number of fatalities than other regions.

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Apurva Pawar

I'm Apurva Pawar, a dog parent to a 10-year-old Furbaby who I have trained personally. I have always had a close bond with the dogs around me as I used to volunteer in a rescue shelter. I have raised pups of multiple breeds and sizes that were rescued by the shelter and have trained some of those adorable companions. Hence, out of my love and experience about dogs I share whatever information I possess by doing research and surveys.