Written by: Stacy Jones
September 11, 2024

How to teach a dog to stay? Is it hard to teach? Let’s talk in detail about it.

According to research, 73% of dog owners have used different training methods. People appreciate a well-behaved and friendly dog right away.

The stay command training helps your little fur ball (your dog) to control its impulsive nature. Moreover, we have discussed with multiple dog trainers to understand the steps and depth of this training.

This training comes in handy in any situation when you want to prevent your dog from doing the unwanted. 

Creating a positive atmosphere for your dog and following the steps with patience and with a caring approach are necessary. Also, it’s essential to understand what should be avoided during the training.

To know how you can teach your dog to stay, let’s go through the guide!

Guide To Teaching A Dog To Stay: Step By Step

Regardless of your choice to train your dog yourself or with the help of an expert, you can use the following guide to get a successful result.

How To Teach A Dog To Stay

Step 1- Bring Your Dog Into A Playful Mood.

 Before starting any training with your dog or any pet, it is necessary to create a playful environment. It helps to boost positive energy between the owner and the dog. 

Bring Your Dog Into A Playful Mood

Dogs are emotional and pretty sensitive to the environment surrounding them. That’s why it’s essential to have a happy and positive approach to the dog by playing with them before starting the training.

Step 2- Find A Calm Place

 In the initial stage of your training session, it is better to choose a calm and quiet place. It helps avoid any type of distractions, such as any sound, movements, and smells that your dog would definitely chase after.

Step 3- Let The Dog Sit And Offer Treats After They Sit For A While

Let the dog initially sit for a few seconds, and offer them their favorite treats and toys after the dog gets up. It results in the dog getting the idea of receiving treats for sitting quietly.

Let The Dog Sit And Offer Treats After They Sit For A While

These treats can also be in the form of positive responses, petting, and hugging them. That truly shows the dog that he got good treats in exchange for sitting.

Step 4- Repeat The Third Step And Delay The Sitting Time

Now, you can ask your dog to sit again but for longer than before offering the treat. If you repeat it multiple times, the dog learns to sit longer than the last time.

You can keep increasing the sitting time until the dog learns to sit for your expected time. But the duration for the dog to sit should be shorter, like 15-20 seconds maximum. It doesn’t last longer than that.

Step 5- Establish Ans Introduce A ‘Stay’ And ‘Release’ Command

Until you reach this step, your dog has learned to sit when you expect them to. But to command the dog precisely to sit and get up in one word each, you will need a command sign or word. 

You can introduce these commands to the dog by start saying the command while they are conducting that particular action. This results in the dog understanding the meaning of those commands. 

For example, you say ‘Sit’ when you want the dog to sit and say ‘get-up’ or ‘Release’ when taking the command back.

Step 6- Test The Above Theory

Once you are fully done with the above steps, you can start by practicing the steps with your dog. But make sure to follow the steps in sequence.

Finally, when your dog gets used to this activity, you can assume that the dog is trained to sit and get up with your command.

Also, you can add more challenges to have fun and play with your dog. But it’s an optional choice for the owner to make.

Avoid These Mistakes While Teaching A Dog To Stay

When you are teaching your dog to stay in one place, it can become frustrating. It requires a lot of patience and a positive approach, as mentioned above.  

Avoid These Mistakes While Teaching A Dog To Stay

To help you out with this easily occurring problem, we have curated the following tips on things to avoid while teaching a dog to stay.

1. Impatient Approach

If you feel you are losing your patience and can’t keep up with the dog’s naughtiness, leave it at that. You can try this training some other time and day. Things like this don’t work if pushed too hard.

2. Anger

This is a pro tip coming from a dog owner myself. Keep your anger in check around your dog while trying out this activity. Your dog is not asking for this training; you need it and need to understand the dog’s moods.

3. Making The Dog Sit For Too Long

The dog must follow the command to make your dog sit for a shorter duration. It’s usually performed to prevent your dog from doing something inappropriate. 

Making the dog sit for a long time may give your dog the wrong impression of your actions. So, to maintain a healthy relationship between you and your dog, avoid making the dog sit longer.

4. Harmful Circumstances

It will change the whole meaning of this command if you keep using it with your dog anywhere. This activity should only be done out of harmful areas and situations.

For example, you can’t just command your dog to stay and leave it in a public place alone.

Take  care of 3 Ds Duration, Distance, and Distractions while teaching  dog to stay

Here is the 3 Ds you should consider while teaching dog to stay:


The Duration of your dog’s stay is the length of time he spends there. Start by placing your dog in the desired position, such as sitting, down, or standing. Give your stay command without counting to three, then use your dog’s release word to let him go. By increments of two to three seconds, lengthen your dog’s remaining time.


Teaching distance stays one-half step at a time. Give your dog the stay command while positioning him as you see fit. Lean back and step back with one foot before returning to your dog and releasing him. Afterward, step backward before returning to your dog for a treat and release. Continue gradually, only including one step at a time. Do not command your dog to stay while holding any food in your hand.


Whatever happens while your dog is there, no matter how big or tiny, is a distraction. Start with a simple distraction at home or in the backyard when distractions are to be added, and work your way up to more significant distractions in other settings. Using higher-value treatment incentives when distractions are introduced and increased is a valuable method.

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I hope this article has helped you understand the step-by-step guide to teaching your dog to stay. This was an entertaining guide to share with you all, as I have followed these steps to train my dog.

Just remember the essential key points while performing this activity with your dog. They include creating a positive atmosphere for your dog and following the steps with patience without pushing it too hard.

Also, I’m sure you have the idea of avoiding frustration, impatience, and unsafe situations while training your dog.

Alright, guys, that’s a wrap on this guide, and I genuinely hope you are close to becoming a professional dog trainer now. Okay, okay, just kidding! But make sure you leave us feedback on how helpful this article was for you in the comments below. Ciao!


You can teach your dog at home two commands other than ‘Stay.’

Two commands that your dog can often use are ‘Come’ and ‘No’. We will make another guide on these commands soon.

How much estimated time do you need to train your dog to stay?

About a week or more of duration is necessary to train your dog to any command properly.

Which command is easy to teach a dog?

The ‘come’ command is the easiest to teach a dog by calling out its name or with some sign.

Which command is the hardest to teach a dog?

From my experience, the ‘go & fetch’ command is the most challenging basic command to teach a dog.

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Stacy Jones

I'm a dog mom who is on a mission to help other dog parents. I started this blog inspired by Jackson's story and to share my knowledge and experience with the world.